jueves, 20 de septiembre de 2012

Desvalijaron un departamento en Recoleta mientras los dueños no ... - Online-911

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12/09/2012 : 07:59 :

Un departamento ubicado en el barrio porteño de Recoleta fue desvalijado por un grupo de delincuentes, que consiguieron ingresar al lugar tras utilizar un copia de la puerta de entrada y se presume que tendría una copia de la puerta del departamento.

El inmueble se encuentra en el sexto piso y se analiza si hubo un trabajo de inteligencia para analizar la forma de ingresar al edificio.

El episodio se registró durante el fin de semana, en un edificio de la calle Austria al 1700, cuando una pareja y su hijo no se encontraban en el lugar debido a que realizaron un viaje.

Los ladrones se llevaron electrodomesticos, dinero y algunos objetos menores de valor.

La denuncia radicada en la comisaría 19, deja constancia que los ladrones luego del robo se escaparon sin ejercer violencia contra las víctimas. Es la octava denuncia de robo en la zona en la última semana.

martes, 18 de septiembre de 2012

Crece la producción local de electrodomésticos - El Diario 24

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ELECTRODOMÉSTICOS. La empresa Oster amplía su producción en Argentina. ELECTRODOMÉSTICOS. La empresa Oster amplía su producción en Argentina. ELECTRODOMÉSTICOS. La empresa Oster amplía su producción en Argentina.

La empresa estadounidense de electrodomésticos Oster anunció que comenzará a producir este mes batidoras y licuadoras en Argentina, y adelantó que para el año próximo fabricará caloventores y ventiladores.

Oster, una firma de capitales norteamericanos que estructuraba su negocio en base a la importación, comenzó su reconversión a firma productora y, desde el año pasado, fabrica tres modelos de planchas en la ciudad de Rosario, a través de la firma local Axel.Los directivos de la empresa destacaron que su intención es comenzar a exportar a Brasil.Actualmente, la empresa cuenta con dos líneas de producción en las que fabrican entre 17.000 y 20.000 planchas mensuales, entre los tres modelos.Uno de estos modelos, aseguraron los directivos de Oster, “es uno de los más vendidos a nivel mundial”.Por otra parte, Oster trabaja en el desarrollo de proveedores locales y ya tiene pactada la producción, a través de uno de ellos, de una de las partes plásticas de la base de los tres modelos de sus planchas.La empresa, además, de acuerdo con las reglamentaciones del INTI, planificó con un proveedor nacional, certificante de que todos sus productos cumplen con las normas eléctricas del país y las del Mercosur.

viernes, 14 de septiembre de 2012

Fogonazo deja sin electricidad a un sector de Daniel Lemaitre - El Universal - Cartagena

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La explosión de un transformador de energía provocó pánico entre los habitantes de la Calle 67 del barrio Daniel Lemaitre durante la madrugada del jueves.

Cerca de las 3 de la mañana, un fuerte estallido seguido de un fogonazo y varios bajones de luz, alteraron el sueño de los vecinos del sector, quienes se despertaron apresuradamente a desconectar sus electrodomesticos.

El estruendo provocó que un cable de alta tensión cayera al suelo y provocara un pequeño incendio en la calle. Afortunadamente no hubo viviendas afectadas por las llamas.

Los vecinos reportaron el hecho al CAI de la Policía Nacional que se encuentra a escasos metros del lugar y éstos a su vez al Cuerpo de Bomberos de la ciudad, el cual nunca hizo presencia.

El fuego se extinguió por si mismo luego de una hora, sin embargo el sector quedó a oscuras después del incidente.

Funcionarios de Electricaribe inspeccionaron el daño y expresaron a los vecinos que pronto comenzarían los trabajos para restablecer la electricidad.

1700 mensuales. todos los servicios incluidos - Ensenada.net

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Al preguntar por esta propiedad, no olvide mencionar que lo vio en CASAS&DEPASrecamara amueblada serv. inc. (agua-luz-gas-INTERNET) 1700
$1,700.00 pesos mensuales orquideas 114
Ex Ejido Chapultepec
Delegaci?n Chapultepec
Ensenada, Baja California. Propiedad ofrecida por / Offered by:elizabeth hernandez barragan

Tel?fono / telephone:

Celular / Cell Phone:

Correo electr?nico / email:

Descripción / Description:
2 Pisos / Levels
1 Rec?maras / Bedrooms
1 Ba?os / Baths

Cuenta con / It has:
Cocina / Kitchen
Sala / Living Room
Comedor / Dining room
Cuarto de lavar / Laundry Room
Estudio / Study
Cuarto de televisi?n / TV Room
Rejas / Window protection

Servicios disponibles / Services available:

Agua / Water
Drenaje / Drainage
Luz / Electricity
Tel?fono / Telephone lines

Precio / Price
$1,700.00 pesos
1700 mensuales. todos los servicios incluidos

Información adicional
rento recamara amueblada para hombre de preferencia. o persona tranquila y sin vicios. es una casa amplia y totalmente amueblada y equipada. sala de doble altura, bonita, amueblada, con tv y dvd. comedor amplio y completo. cocina-desayunador. equipada. con muebles electrodomesticos y trastes. banio en planta alta y planta baja. compartidos. banio exclusivo en recamara principal. cuarto de servicio. patio trasero bardeado y pavimentado. servicios incluidos agua luz gas e internet. telefono para recibir.

Click en las im?genes para ampliarlas

Nota: El precio esta en pesos mexicanos (si no se indica lo contrario) y se usó una cotización de$13.00 pesos por dolar como referencia. El valor de la propiedad puede variar de acuerdo al tipo de cambio.

Si usted representa una agencia de bienes raíces y desea que sus propiedades estén incluidas en este portal, llame al (646) 177 8964 para programar una cita.

Escríbenos: contacto@tdm.ensenada.netTeléfono Ensenada.Net: 01 (646) 177 8964Ensenada.net es presentado por : TDM

Ford Shelby GT500 Cobra 2013 - Coches.net (Comunicado de prensa)

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FagorBrandt, de la machine à laver au VUL électrique - Le Point

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Promise fin 2010 à la fermeture, l'usine FagorBrandt de Lyon, bien connue pour sa fabrication d'appareils électroménagers, doit sa survie à un industriel isérois et à son projet de petit véhicule utilitaire électrique ou hybride. Le site, après un an de négociations avec FagorBrandt (appartenant au fabricant espagnol d'électroménager Fagor Electrodomesticos), a été repris par Pierre Millet et porte depuis le nom de Société d'innovation et de technologie de Lyon (SITL). Il sera inauguré mercredi par le préfet de région, Jean-François Carenco, et le maire (PS) de Lyon, Gérard Collomb.

Les préséries du petit utilitaire électrique, baptisé le "Citélec", sont sorties en juin. Mercredi, cinq déclinaisons seront présentées, dont le fourgon, le fourgon-benne et le véhicule destiné à l'hybride, encore à l'étude, mais qui doit sortir fin octobre, selon Pierre Millet. La fabrication de machines à laver ne va pas s'arrêter pour autant. Au terme d'un accord avec FagorBrandt, la SITL, qui a repris la quasi-totalité des salariés, va sous-traiter leur fabrication jusqu'en 2015. L'électroménager continue aujourd'hui d'employer la grande majorité des quelque 450 employés. Mais à l'horizon 2015, place sera faite à la production des utilitaires, sous la marque Brandt Motors, mais aussi à un autre marché dans le secteur du "clean tech" auquel s'attaque la SITL, celui des filtres de traitement de l'eau.

Devant l'usine, à deux pas du stade de Gerland, est garé le Citélec, bleu électrique, dont le prototype a été présenté l'an dernier au Salon des maires. Au départ, rappelle le directeur commercial de l'entreprise Christophe Troubat, le véhicule était en effet destiné aux collectivités locales. Mais il a trouvé un nouveau marché après le Grenelle de l'environnement (2010) et le lancement d'expérimentations de "zones d'actions prioritaires pour l'air" (Zapa), dont l'objectif est la diminution de la pollution atmosphérique. Huit villes françaises, dont Paris, Lyon ou Bordeaux, s'étaient engagées dans cette expérimentation destinée à bannir du centre-ville les véhicules les plus polluants (lire notre article).

Le Citélec, d'une autonomie annoncée de 85 km à 80 km/h (en charge), trouvait ainsi un nouveau débouché : le transport de marchandises du "dernier kilomètre", une fois que les poids lourds ont déchargé leurs palettes dans des zones de logistique spécialement aménagées aux abords de ces Zapa. À partir d'un même plateau commun, ses concepteurs ont donc développé la gamme : fourgon, pick-up, citerne, fourgon frigorifique ou isotherme, benne basculante, et véhicule hybride, avec à terme, une production de "3 000 à 5 000 véhicules par an, en pleine charge", fabriqués à Lyon, souligne Pierre Millet.

Aujourd'hui, la mise en oeuvre des Zapa, prévue cet été, a pris du retard, la plupart des villes volontaires demandant des délais supplémentaires. Reste que Pierre Millet estime que, d'ici à 2015, le marché du petit utilitaire électrique et hybride sera de 40 000 à 50 000 unités par an, en Europe, contre aujourd'hui 20 000 à 25 000. "Notre ambition est d'avoir une dizaine de pour cent du marché européen", poursuit cet ancien de chez Thomson CSF, qui a ensuite racheté une entreprise de tôlerie, Technitol, dans l'Isère, avant de se lancer dans le "clean tech". "Les places sont à prendre maintenant, car il y a peu de concurrence sur le petit utilitaire électrique et hybride, analyse-t-il. Notre ambition est donc raisonnable." Pierre Millet envisage à court terme de lancer à Lyon des vélos et des scooters électriques, ces derniers étant en cours d'étude pour une mise en vente prévue au premier trimestre 2013.

Detalles del anuncio - MeliYA.com

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Categor?a: Inmobiliaria

atico de 110 m de casa + 20 m de terraza + 100 m de azotea con piscian de obra y barbacoa, porche y habitacion con salon- cocina, ducha solar, la casa consta de tres dormitorios, el dormitorio principal con vestidor, salon de 45 m con chimenea de obra, 2 cuarto de ba?o, cocina. y ademas garaje de 150 m con habitaciones individuales, una un salon de 70 m amuebalado con barra bar, mesa de 3 metros, 10 sillas y 4 sillones, con un proyector y equipo con sonido de cine, un aseo con ducha y otra habitacion con un gimnasio completo a estrenar y billar profesional. Toda la casa preciosa y de lujo con solo 6 meses, amueblada de madera 100 %, hecho a mano y en exclusiva, decoracion totalmente rustica. se deja la casa totalmente amueblada y equipada con televisores, electrodomesticos incluido. casa para entrar a vivir. interesado llamar al 620544294


antonio p.e


email: peluqueriarevolutionurban@hotmail.es + info:

martes, 11 de septiembre de 2012

Contribuyentes puntuales podrán ganar un auto en Juliaca - Los Andes Perú

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I Coulda Been A Plumber - Salon (blog)

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Every time I join the herd stumbling through my local Home Depot's enormous barn-like glass doors, the doors that dutifully glide open for me with the exact same democratic welcome they extend to master carpenters, certified electricians and Bob Vila, I hear two competing voices in my head.

One is the deliriously optimistic chorus from the kiddie show "Bob The Builder".  The British guy singing it sounds like he’d probably identify a screwdriver as a cocktail:

“Can we fix it?? Yes we can!!!”  

Then there’s the other voice, the one that resembles Supreme Chancellor Palpatine trying to convince Anakin about the allure of The Dark Side:   

“Abandon all hope ye who enter here.”

I try to ignore them both and find some middle ground:  “Go ahead, delude yourself for a while, even though you know you’ll end up calling a professional.”

I have mixed feelings about going into stores like Home Depot.  They’re almost identical to the feelings I had when I was a student at Ohio State. Or when I'm in  a bookstore.

Being surrounded by all that knowledge or in the case of Home Depot, all that hardware, makes me feel like I’m having a temporary out-of-body experience.  Maybe it’s more like an “out of my head” experience.  For a brief moment I feel a giddy sense of being all-powerful, like I can do anything I want to do.  Be anything I want to be.  

Build anything I want to build.

Then I remember my limitations and why I’m there.  In this most recent case, I had a stopped-up bathtub and two light fixtures where the bulbs had broken off and the metal stem things were stuck in the sockets.

This would be grade school stuff to any handy-man.

At Ohio State I briefly thought I might be medical school material until I started routinely dropping and/or failing the required math and science courses.  

I recall that last meeting with my academic advisor, the one where she  suggested we part ways and break off all contact immediately, like it was yesterday.  Maybe not yesterday exactly; more like the last time I was in a Whole Foods store. 

“Organic chemistry - how ridiculous.” I sneered.  “Is that the biggest oxymoron you’ve ever heard or what - chemical-free chemicals?” 

Then I began grilling her about the possibility of “more relaxed” med school requirements in places like Bangladesh and Zaire where maybe I could hire an oppressed but bright teenager to take all my tests and carry my books for me in exchange for English lessons and an encouraging word or two every day.

What a bitter disappointment.  My mother once told me I could be anything I wanted to, even a doctor, and mothers always know best.

“Why not?  Stranger things have happened,” she said when I floated the idea past her as she looked away and blew a stream of Virginia Slims smoke out the kitchen window.  “Maybe you’ll discover a cure for your sister’s bad moods.  Give it a shot.  Pun intended,” she snickered.

Yesterday when I went to Home Depot I was reminded of my thwarted medical ambitions when I confronted aisle after aisle of confusing terms.  Then I realized I was reading the Spanish versions of “Plumbing, Electrical and Appliances.”

Plomeria, Ferreteria and Electrodomesticos made me feel like I was in a Mexican zoo.  I immediately thought “colorful birds, a cafeteria for ferrets and domesticated eels” which in turn clued me in to why med school might not have been right for me.  I was always making irrelevant connections.  Not the best thought process when one’s diagnosing potentially fatal conditions.

Actually, being in a Home Depot wasn't unlike being in a hospital's ER, except it was easier to get answers. 

I flagged down a guy in Iluminacion and explained the problem with the broken bulbs.  “Please tell me you can help,” I begged.  “Please!  You’re my last best hope.”

No problem.  He didn’t hesitate.  His prescription?  A potato and a pair of needle-nose pliers.  

“Jam the potato into the socket and turn it as if you were unscrewing the bulb,” he said.  “If that doesn’t work try the pliers but the potato usually does the trick.”

“Oh thank you doc- I mean sir,” I breathed and headed over to Plomeria where I was warmly greeted by a bearded guy in an orange apron; it was a mess.  Looked like he’d just come out of surgery.

“What have you tried so far,” he asked after I told him the water in the tub was inches from the top.

I told him about the jugs of Liquid-Plumr and the many long things I’d stuck repeatedly down the drain in the vain hope of dislodging what was most like a big clump of my daughter’s long hair, assorted dead skin cells and body grime.

“First we’ve got to change your thinking about this,” he said confidently and whipped out a pad and a pen.  Then he sketched the inner workings of what was going on behind the tub and proceeded to explain why my approach was all wrong.

“You have to unscrew the plate below the faucet and go in that way,” he said when he finished and showed me why I wasn’t reaching the clog.

I stared at his diagram full of twisty tubular things running into each other.  It looked incredibly similar to human plumbing.

“My God, this is just like operating,” I murmured to myself.

“Excuse me?”

“Never mind and thank you Dr. Welby,” I gushed as I gathered up the diagram and also the rubber gloves and $15 laparascopic-like tool he’d recommended.

Why had I never considered becoming a plumber when the doctor thing didn't  pan out? I chided myself.

I could have had the professional satisfaction of diagnosing and treating serious conditions, the worst news I’d ever have to give anyone was my bill and I’d never have to cringe and shriek “Ewwww, gross, I am not touching that! Now put on your clothes and get out.  Get out!”

There wouldn’t have been all those student loan bills either.  Student loans for an English major were bad enough; I can’t imagine what I would have racked up in medical school bills even if I’d gone to one in Myanmar.

At the checkout I tried to make my $20 health insurance co-pay but apparently Aetna’s not one of Home Depot’s preferred providers.

That was okay; I couldn’t wait to get home and try out the procedures I’d just learned. 

Less than an hour later, I was done.  I snapped off the super-bright surgical theater quality light I'd picked up on the way home and pulled of my rubber gloves.  I whipped off my little face mask and stepped out of my scrubs.   

The tub was unclogged and it drained fine.  The potato had worked. 

There was no anxious family in a waiting room to tell, “It was touch and go for a while, but I think he’s gonna make it.”   

But it didn’t matter.  Maybe I didn't have the title or the license or the diplomas.  But now I know how a successful doctor feels.  After all these years, I finally know that indescribable feeling of accomplishment.  A feeling that costs some people hundreds of thousands of dollars.

It cost me under twenty bucks.  And it was worth every penny. 

En el sur de La Guajira protestan por fallas en el servicio de energía ... - Caracol Radio

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Al Sur del Departamento de La Guajira, continúan las protestas de los usuarios del servicio de energía que presta Electricaribe.

Centenares de usuarios de los barrios Juan Bautista y Forero cerraron las vías, quemaron llantas y retuvieron un vehículo de Electricaribe por fallas en el servicio eléctrico en San Juan del Cesar, los quejosos dijeron que no aguantan más las fallas en el fluido eléctrico.

La protesta se originó por que llevan más de 25 días sin fluido eléctrico por los daños que sufrió el transformador del sector, mientras Electricaribe promete solucionar el problema, pero no llega el nuevo transformador, al tiempo que denunciaron que las fluctuaciones son constantes que han quemado sus electrodomésticos.

Más notas para entender este tema - Lanacion.com (Argentina)

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Samsung presentará nuevo dispositivo con Windows 8 en IFA - ENTER.CO

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Dispositivo de Samsung Windows 8 ¿Cuál será el dispositivo con Windows 8 que presentará Samsung en IFA 2012? Foto: Samsung.

La compañía surcoreana mostró un pequeño adelanto de un nuevo dispositivo con Windows 8 que será presentado en sociedad en la feria IFA, que tendrá lugar el próximo 31 de agosto en Berlín. A través de la página de Facebook de Samsung Notebook, la compañía publicó una imagen de un dispositivo que funcionará con sistema operativo Windows 8. 

“No te preocupes… está a la vuelta de la esquina”, es la frase de expectativa que acompaña la publicación de la imagen en la red social. Al observar la fotografía con detenimiento, se puede ver que, además de funcionar con Windows 8, debajo de la pantalla hay algo que puede ser un teclado o un soporte, lo que sugiere que el dispositivo tenga un diseño muy similar al de Surface o al del Lenovo Yoga.

Según informó The Verge, el equipo Series 5 Hybrid PC que Samsung presentó durante la feria tecnológica Computex en junio de este año tiene una apariencia muy similar a la del dispositivo que aparece en la imagen publicada en Facebook.

El equipo es un híbrido de ultrabook y tablet con Windows 8, que cuenta con un teclado que se separa del cuerpo con pantalla táctil. Aunque en ese momento la compañía no reveló muchas de las características que tendrá el equipo, aseguró que cuenta con una pantalla de 11 pulgadas y que promete 10 horas de vida de batería.

No obstante, Samsung todavía no ha confirmado si se trata del mismo equipo ni ha dado más detalles del tema, por lo que tendremos que esperar hasta la presentación de la compañía en IFA para saber de qué se trata y para poder ver al nuevo Galaxy Note, que debutará el próximo 29 de agosto en Alemania.

martes, 28 de agosto de 2012

'The Real Housewives of New York City' recap: Let the Drama Begin - Entertainment Weekly

We took the steep drop into St. Bart's last night, for the first episode of a three-parter that finally promises some actual action. Pirate style! I'm unclear again why we went to St. Bart's in the first place. Did Carole have to go to the island for work? For a hook-up with her hot shaggy-haired Aerosmith player? Did Bravo just need these bitches to get out of town and under the generous spouts of a wine dispenser? Whatever the reason, the house was gorgeous—"I'm speechless and I'm never speechless," spoke Ramona—and totally worth that rickety plane ride where passengers appeared to stand smushed up against one another like it was the 6 train.

At the house Ramona angled for a master suite while Sonja stuck her hand down the pants of the chef and butler.  The views were extraordinary, the pools inviting, the hangers in the master closet plentiful, which meant at least we wouldn't have a repeat of Moroccan drama. Carole and Heather smartly decided to hang their fedoras in private bungalows and leave the master suite to Vegas newlyweds Ramona and Sonja. Sonja promised Heather that she would serve as a buffer between her and Ramona, between Ramona and the world even! Such was her responsibility in life. Meanwhile Ramona started squawking at the staff to cough up the key to the pool toy closet. If she wasn't floating on a noodle with a glass of pink champagne in each hand within five minutes she would write down in her notebook a reminder to herself to have the lot of them fired.

Poor Heather then ran nose-first into a sliding glass door, holla! The camera guy missed the moment but did get a close-up of some oil and foundation smudged on the wood beam. (Though I thought she ran into glass?) She laid on the bed as her red boxer's pug swelled. "I do want a nose job some day," she said by way of consoling herself. Of course you do, honey. LuAnn pretended to want to take care of her. "Once a nurse always a nurse!" the least nurturing woman ever explained, before quickly excusing herself to join the drunks up at the pool.

Ramona's eyes widened, twirled around her head a few times, then exploded into rainbow happy tears at the sight of wine vending machine in the kitchen. Sonja broke down the size equivalents for her inebriated friend. A small pour is one Carole's breast worth. Medium is Sonja-sized, and a large is Ramona's generous cup. But Ramona objected to the idea that she had large breasts. She has perfect breasts, as Sonja would find out later when Ramona made her massage them with lavender oil before the two fell asleep.

"Tony can you squirt Ramona...some wine," said Sonja with a horny giggle. "Just a little squirt." Sonja, my former favorite New York housewife, has been acting like a bit of a little squirt all season. Her displeasure over a lack of spring roll dipping sauce reminded her that she was still peeved at Heather over the toaster oven photo shoot. "This is the most talked-about toaster oven in the history of nonexistent toaster ovens," said Carole, in one of her many fine zingers of the night. So Sonja started bleating about logos, Heather tried to defend herself in a reasonable tone of voice, and Ramona kept barging into the conversation with karate chops of nonsense.

NEXT: Russ plays a one-night show for Carole.

Lost in Suburbia: This Toaster Oven is toast - Independent Press - NJ.com

Goldilocks has nothing on me. She couldn’t find a chair that wasn’t too hard or too soft.
Me? I’m on my fourth toaster oven in two weeks. Yes, it’s an addiction. I have major toaster oven issues. I am officially ready for toaster oven rehab.
It all started when the first toaster oven – the one we’d had for pretty much our entire marriage – gave up the toast, I mean the ghost. One day it decided that everything we put in should come out blackened. We decided differently.
With heavy hearts, we said goodbye to old toasty and I went out to find a new one.
The store had a dizzying array of choices. Our old toaster oven had two settings: bake or toast. But in the twenty years since we bought our old toastmaster, the toaster oven industry had really ignited. We could get a convection toaster oven, a digital convention toaster oven, a toaster/broiler, a toaster/broiler/rotisserie, and even a toaster oven that offered conventional calrods and infrawave technology. Certainly I didn’t know what calrods were, but they sounded very impressive, so I was in.
I plunked down the equivalent of a down payment on a car and brought home a new toaster oven with all the bells and whistles I could pronounce. I proudly set it up to demonstrate it to my family. But when I plugged it in and turned it on, the kitchen lights went out.
“What the heck?” I wondered.
“It’s too powerful. It’s overloading the circuit breakers,” said my husband. “Bring it back.”
I stroked the gleaming black and chrome exterior. “Maybe we can get a generator to handle the extra power?” I suggested hopefully.
“Bring it back.”
I packed and cushioned all the calrods and infrawaves and brought it back to the store. Then I picked another toaster that wasn’t nearly as fancy or powerful. Truth be told, it was kind of big and clunky looking and I felt a little sorry for it. It was the Charlie Brown Christmas Tree of toaster ovens.
When I got it home, I plugged it in and was happy to note that the kitchen lights stayed on.
“Success!” I crowed. I unplugged the toaster oven and put it in the slide out drawer where we keep our toaster oven when it’s not in use. But much to my horror, it didn’t fit. It was too big.
“Argh! The other one was too powerful. This one is too big. I need one that is just right!”
Back to the store I went.
“I have to return this toaster oven,” I said to the salesgirl.
“Is it defective?” she asked reasonably.
“No, it’s too big. And the other one was too powerful. I need one that is smaller and weaker.”
She looked at me sympathetically, the way people do when they know they are talking to someone who is mentally unstable.
…Which brings us to our fourth toaster oven.
“Do we like this toaster oven,” my husband asked, eyeballing the new appliance.
“No,” I said definitively. “This one is too small.”
“Does it make the lights go off?”
“Does it fit in the drawer?” he asked.
“Does it make toast?”
“Uh, yeah,” I admitted reluctantly.
“Sounds like a winner to me.”
I brooded for a couple of days over the lack of largeness and fanciness of our new toaster oven, debating whether or not to bring it back and try another. Then, about a week later, my husband approached me again.
“So, are we keeping this toaster oven?” he asked cautiously.
“Yeah. Whatever. It’s fine,” I responded.
He looked relieved.
“…But we need a new fridge.”

Note: To become a fan of Lost in Suburbia on Facebook go to http://www.facebook.com/LostinSuburbiaFanPage

Toaster oven icons know the menu - CNET (blog)

The Panasonic NB-G110P Flash Xpress Toaster Oven features automatic cooking modes. The countertop appliance has preset buttons for pizza and more.

Push button toasting and leftovers reheating. Push-button toasting and leftovers reheating.

(Credit: Amazon)

A toaster oven is one of those devices in the kitchen that are seemingly useful for everything. In fact, it gets pressed into service so often that we can practically use them blindfolded. (Do not use your kitchen appliances blindfolded.) It may be easy to forget how versatile a toaster oven can be, so that means a cheat sheet can help.

With icons to guide users through common tasks, the Panasonic NB-G110P Flash Xpress Toaster Oven ($127) makes the countertop appliance even easier to use. The preset functions are divided into two intuitive sections, one labeled "bread" and the other "food." Each section has three (mostly) recognizable icons, including pizza, hash browns, bread slices, and frozen waffles.

The approximately 10-inch-tall appliance has a footprint a little larger than a square foot and is capable of incremental temperature adjusting from 250 degrees to 500 degrees Fahrenheit. The infrared oven heats up quickly and is rounded out by inclusions of a timer as well as an interior light. Capable of adjusting cooking time to suit the need, the appliance makes quick work of common countertop-cooking tasks. And that does include just making toast.

'RHONY' Sonja Morgan Talks Toaster Oven Feud - Gather.com

Sonja Morgan is talking about that toaster oven controversy which ended the last episode of The Real Housewives of New York City. It is Sonja's toaster oven and brand so she should have the final say, but Heather Thomson took many hours out of her days to set up the photo shoot and make sure that Sonja had everything she needed to get it done. Also, Heather did all of this for free.

Sonja insists that she does not "know what all the fuss is about."

Well, it appears that a friend helped her with a huge thing for free, and Sonja Morgan was kind of ungrateful. She really acted like a diva, and this is just not cool when someone is helping her. A quick thank you and a less snotty attitude would have made the outcome of this situation far more pleasant. Then, add Ramona making it all about her and things just really blew up.

Sonja Morgan Picture

For more news and commentary, follow Rose on Twitter @Rose_Kitchen

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